Saturday, September 4, 2010

Good-bye to the rut!

Time to get out of the rut! I think the balance between the comfort of routine and falling into a life-sucking rut is dicey. On the one hand, routine helps us get things accomplished in our lives, to work and school activities on time..etc. On the other hand, it can create a pattern of life, behavior and actions that make life sort of a numb, dull existence - in a word -BORING! Same route to work, same job, same meals, same workout routine, same Saturday night plans, same music, same TV shows. And then wondering why our lives don't change or improve. Reminds me of the defition of insanity- doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.

I have seen interesting studies lately about how important new activities are to keeping the brain well wired. Changing things up, trying something different, developing new skills helps stave off depression, increase happiness and keep our relationships and lives fresh. It literally helps the brain function better.

I watch how my kids embrace life and new adventures - soccer for a while, then a switch to karate; Chinese dance then a switch to ballet; No more dance, now I want to try tennis; Chinese language- no I want to take Spanish; about guitar and piano. One the one hand, we want our kids to stick with something, but perhaps they are onto something. They are figuring out who they are and finding their passions. Plus they are engaged, inspired, learning and having...dare I say!
Yes, adults can and should have fun too!

As part of my 90 day life shake up, I am committed to trying and doing something different or new every day and well. This list contains both big and small options:

* take a different route to work
* change my hair -hmm auburn highlights?
* learn Spanish
* try new foods
* grow an herb garden
* learn to bake bread
* walk/run at a new park
* put aside crossword puzzles for sudoku(finally figure out how to do it)
* read a biography instead of a novel
* take an online class or workshop
* join that new gym opening up around the corner
* Re-arrange the furniture
* pay the toll of the person behind me on the highway
* paint

The list could go on and on, but I have things to do!

1 comment:

  1. I think we should practice our Spanish together via comment forums. :)
