I have been very much a blogger slacker lately- with good reason. My children's book, "Together Again" has finally been published. The last six weeks have been a flurry of incredibly fun activity- selecting and working with an illustrator, selecting font types, cover art, reviewing book design. I am so excited and thrilled beyond words that it has come to life. The artist did an amazing job!.
The description and author bio from the book:
Have you ever felt as though you have known someone forever when you actually just met? Or felt a connection with your child or spouse that has an effortless, timeless quality? Together Again is the true story of such a soul connection between mother and daughter. Their story spans heaven and earth and thousands of miles as the two souls are reunited through the miracle of adoption. Their journey is spiritual as well as physical.
The story is told from the child's perspective: Do you remember where you lived before you were born? I do! I once live in heaven with my mommy and other people I love; then I was born in China. My mommy searched for me, found me across the ocean, and adopted me. From heaven to China to America ---we are together again!
Author, Laurie Stephens is a writer, dreamer, and a mom who loves laughter and this spiritual journey known as life. She works in the field of non-profit fundraising and marketing. Originally from Toledo, Ohio, Laurie currently resides in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, with her two incredible daughters.
To order go to http://www.shop.boutiqueofqualitybooks.com
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