Friday, July 23, 2010

A Llittle R and R

A little R and and relaxation. What a concept! Actually taking a little time away from the daily routine and work for respite, fun and a chance to re-connect with those you love. I believe it is also referred to as a vacation!

I don't know about you, but it has been a while since I have compeletely disconnected and plugged back into my children. Maybe is our culture, my work culture in particular, expectations of availability due to technology or a self created need to always keep on top of things. We have a generous leave policy at my place of employment - however that many of us don't take it. We roll over vacation days to the next year, bring our laptops to the beach and sit on conference calls while in line at a theme park or even in labor... (all are true- I admit to being the theme park violator) and yes I had a colleague in the hospital about to deliver a baby and on a conference call. As my daughter asked me.."are you really going to be on vacation, or be on the blackberry with work the whole time?" Ouch. Suffice it to say I declined two conference calls next week.

I know that this is not unique to my workplace. Look around you, people are harried, need a break and do not take it. The holiday, vacation, sabbatical is a time honored tradition and for good reason. Look around the world, in some countries it is widely accepted (for good reason) that it is imperative for good health and sanity to take an extended break from the grind. In fact, it makes you a better and more productive employee. I have a friend whose employer expects 24/7 availablity and even a week off is frowned upon. Time to reassess employment opportunities! I think there is a bit of ego involved also when we refuse to take a break. At almost 47 years old, I have finally gotten the loud and clear message that the world really is not going to implode if I am out of touch for a while.

The human mind and spirit was built to need quiet, down time and a change from the regular routine. Time to breathe and think and relax. That is when brilliance flows and ideas germinate, because the mind has time to quiet and finish a thought. It is time for me to have some R and R.. relax, breathe, re-connect..

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. People are so consumed with the next best thing, hoping that they don't miss anything, needing to feel connected. I think for most people work is their identity. Without it, there would be a void.
    For me it's about the ride to the beach and what can be seen, the beach is just the icing on the cake.
    Enjoy your vacation. Relax, refresh and breathe.

