Friday, July 16, 2010

the power of friends

I have been reminded this week about the power of good friends. When it comes down to it, relationships and the people in my life help make my world wonderful. They help me share the good times and help pull me through the rough stuff. At the end of the day, they are what really matter to me.

I have had very tough week with some challenges that will inevitably bring some additional changes to my life. Changes that I believe will actually turn out to be great when I make them happen. The power of friendship got me through the tough days this week. The former colleague who emailed me to check in, my dear friends who called and talked me through my disappointment and helped me plan.

I tend to think of the best in others and figure that most people are good at heart so I am always surprised when someone turns out not to be trustworthy. On the other hand, much more often than not, the people in my life surround me with support and love. For that I am very grateful.

People and our amazing connections...are more important..than money, material things, job titles, and status. I will continue to try and be the best friend that I can, have integrity and treat others with honesty and love. My wonderful friends deserve it.

1 comment:

  1. I can truly relate to this post --- These past few weeks have been so crazy for me and it reminds me daily how blessed I am for all my relationships, family, friends and especially my immediate family who see me every day.

    I have collected notes from friends and print them and read them for strength in hard times and have a thank you file to read notes that volunteers and friends have sent when I don't feel appreciated. :)

    Hang in there - whatever your challenges are and know that you are strong! I love the blogger and glad you are using it to journal and share.
    Stop on by my blog sometime!

