Sunday, August 1, 2010

Flexiblity = Balance?

August is going to be a crazy, busy that on paper may stretch and pull my work/life/mommy balance in new directions. I have quite a bit of required work travel, primarily to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer kick-off breakfasts and then conducting post breakfast trainings in those locations throughout our Division -Raleigh, Baltimore, Wilmington, Richmond... The good news is that I love to facilitate and train. It is my absolute favorite component of the job. In fact, I would love to train, faciliate, write and coach full time.

The challenging news is that the dates of some of the travel coincide with some key times for my children - school open houses and first days. I should, according to the calendar, be in DC on August 23 - but that is Lily's 1st day of middle school and I can't miss that experience. She will need my attention and love more than ever in the coming years. Fortunately, an amazing colleague is going to fill in that day for me. Add in the following: back to school shopping, bus schedules, after school child care arrangements for Avery (still not firmed up - yikes), the usual cleaning, laundry, cooking, exercise and the myriad of needed home repairs/work that seem to be adding up daily and I may laugh hyserically..or cry.

The month will require flying out in the evening after open houses, same day early morning travels, calling upon my friends and sister for help with childcare and just dealing with it.

Flexibility will be key...from me, my kids and hopefully my colleagues. The push/pull is that as a single parent; I need to be here for my kids and I am also the breadwinner. So being here for my kids also means making money to take care of them and provide them what they need to thrive and grow. At this point in time, that means a job with a tough commute and travel. I also enjoy the intellectual stimulation and growth my career provides. Fortunately, I have great kids who go with the flow, pitch in to help and seem to appreciate what it takes.

So flexibility and a few deep breaths here and there will help make it work.

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