Monday, November 22, 2010

Gratitude List

It is the time of year when we look around and count our blessings. We are thankful for our gifts, abundance and friends. Funny how even the tough stuff we have gone through can seem like a blessing in hindsight- because we learn and grow through those experiences often more than we do through the good ones. I am grateful for so many things, here is a partial list..

1. My children- no surprise here. These amazing, delightful, strong girls who delight and challenge me and have caused me to stretch the imaginary boundaries of love. I have become a better person simply because I have been given the honor of being their mother.

2. My family and friends.. My wonderful sister with whom I have shared good times and bad and my brothers and parents... They helped give me a strong foundation for life. Even when relationships have been strained, there is always room for growth. It is interesting to grow up and become a parent yourself - you have a new realization that your parents did the best that they could with what they knew and with what they had. I am surrounded by some of the best people one could hope to have in their life. Friends who love, play, rejoice, support and cry with me. Friends who have helped me celebrate and who have lifted me out of despair.

3. My health. Since I work for a health organization, I am all too familiar with how challenging life can be when you become ill; when all you pray for is the chance to beat a disease and live. For instance, if you have ever had a health scare, you have had just a taste of the feeling that a cancer patient has- the fear, denial and fervent praying and hope that it is not to be true. When you are told that all is clear, relief washes over you and for a moment or two life stays in perspective. So when I wake up and can breathe, walk, see, hear, think, talk taste, smell... I need to remind myself that no matter what happens that day - don't whine, be thankful.

4. My home. I am blessed to have a beautiful home and live in a neighborhood filled with caring people. My house needs work certainly, but it is ours (and the mortgage lenders)- the girls and I have created a home, a place of refuge from the outside world that is warm, loving and happy even with leaky sinks and unfinished carpentry work. I simply love my kitchen. When you put it all in perspective, there is always going to be something to repair or improve but as my youngest put it.. "We are lucky to have a house, we could be like the people in Haiti who don't have a place to live." Enough said.

5. Books, books, books - and all the glorious combinations of the written word. I can escape for hours into a book. I always marvel at the talent of the writers whom I admire. Not only do they have the talent and vision - but also the guts, energy and drive to actually put it on paper and make it happen.

6. Opportunity. The ability to move forward, explore new options and grow my career and work life in different directions. It wasn't so many years ago that, as a woman, my choices in how I might choose to make a living and express myself were quite limited. I am thankful for the women who bravely went before me and opened doors, cracked glass ceilings and explained over and over again that having a vagina did not mean that you were any less intelligent, capable, creative or strong.

7. My faith and spirituality. I believe in God, a divine path, the spiritual connection of all souls and that coincidences are not accidents but little miracles. Faith is to me - a quiet knowing that I am protected and no matter what...things will be OK.

8. Differences. The wonderful differences in this sea of humanity around us- racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, age, sexual orientation, opinion, viewpoint and so on. Wouldn't life be impossibly boring without the variety and spice that these differences provide in life? I find people fascinating; especially those who are not like me. Isn't it interesting that all of these distinctive lives share the planet and are on their own unique journeys along side of our own?

9. The strength of my femininity. Yes, women are strong, powerful and feminine. It is a different kind of strength than that of a man but no less intense or glorious. It allows me to lead a meeting, guide staff and then go home and kiss the fevered brow of my child and nurture my family without missing a beat.

10. Men - Not necessarily from Mars but those wonderful beings who look at the world through such different eyes. Once again - thank heavens that they do. I love to get a man's perspective on the issues in my life and find that there is often a directness of focus with a man's opinion that helps me gain new clarity. Not to mention that it is quite lovely, as a woman, to be fully appreciated by a man. I don't always understand men and can get exasperated at times, but enjoy the process of trying to figure them out

11. Laughter - the bubbling up of joy as it spills out of you. I treasure a good laugh and would like to add a few more to my life these days.

12. Love. Love in all of its varieties - familial, romantic, platonic, any version is powerful. It is the ultimate softener of life.

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