Saturday, January 30, 2010

The best is yet to come...

If there was ever a day meant for writing, for blogging - this is it. Rainy, cold weather outside and a warm, cozy day inside. I did take a long walk in all of this mess and maybe the exercise has put me in a better mood than normal. Listening to some old school favorites Aaron Neville and Van Morrison has me quoting "Someone Like You" by Van. Maybe Van is right and the best is yet to come.

I was going to blog today about patience and my efforts to store up more of that particular virtue, but that can be a topic for another day. In addition to making me feel good, exercise helps me clear my head and shake loose the neural cobwebs. Add to that a pretty productive week at work, some time spent with a smart and attractive man, wonderful and supportive friends and great kids. I am feeling rather optimistic and remain grateful for the amazing gifts that I have in my life.

I am beginning to think that a byproduct of this living authentically journey is an extra boost of happiness or contentment. Maybe it is the process of accepting yourself fully, being true to yourself and being open to bringing into your life the people and experiences that will also honor and appreciate the real authentic you. The other half of that equation is, of course, not to allow into your life, and your head for that matter, the people and experiences who don't honor and appreciate your unique self. There is an amazing freedom in that experience. Back to the Four Agreements- if someone does not value or appreciate the authentic me- there is not a whole lot I can do about that. Remaining true to myself is the best response.

It is turning out to be pretty cool to put myself out there in full and living color- being truly who I am, and watching what happens in response. Freedom is the best word I can use to define the feeling. Make no mistake, it has and will be tough at times and frankly even a little scary- especially in the dating world- to stay on this journey. But I am beginning to see why so many brilliant minds suggest this path as the one that will lead to happiness.

So here I am - like it or not..LOL I remained convinced that my life will continue to move in the right direction. The best is yet to come!!

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