Friday, January 8, 2010

The magic and power of words

Words- written, spoken, a well told story all have tremendous power and bring me joy and inspiration. The power of the words we use to describe ourselves and others can uplift or dampen our spirits. I am reading a book by Wayne Dyer about the power of intention and attuning your vision, dreams, thoughts and attitude with your desired reality. The words we use have an equally powerful impact on our reality. I am still working on using gentler, kinder words with myself and those in my life. If thoughts and words have the power to manifest change in my life- I had better watch what I say and ensure it expresses what I want in my life.

A well told story, much like a beautiful piece of art or music can bridge generations, cultures and points of view. Words can entertain, enlighten, teach and touch your heart. Isn't diving into a good book, article or even losing yourself in in a story on the silver screen, the ultimate way of "walking in someone else's shoes" and learning about the world outside your own walls? To me writing and reading are the glue that connect my everyday life with both my inner self and the wisdom of others. I have read some amazing work over the years- both fiction and non-fiction and what strikes me is that whether a story is based in Afghanistan, Russia, China, the US or Chile - the human experience has much more in common than not. Dreams, desires, love, sorrow, joy, pain, the search for truth, and often for something "more" seem to be universal. Perhaps we really do lead an interconnected existence. Perhaps quantum physics is correct and the energy of life, in all its forms, really does intersect at a basic level and one person's experience is shared by all. Puts a whole new twist on being "your brother's keeper."

I have loved to read as long as I can remember- ever since my first grade teacher, Sister Mary Elizabeth taught me how to decipher letters into words and translate them into the magic of stories and books. The alchemy of words - truly transformative, magical thoughts put to paper or music have brought great joy into my life. It thrills me to see that Lily has a love for reading and pains me that Avery is still struggling with that translation that Sister Elizabeth taught me so well. I hope that both of my girls find the joy and magic in words and books. It will change and improve their lives in immeasurable ways.

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