Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring, Easter and new beginnings

This is a gorgeous spring day, a beautiful Easter Sunday! Tulips, my absolute favorite flower are blooming in the yard, trees are awash with pink and white - eveything seems lighter, brighter and more beautiful. Even people's moods seem to be more cheerful.

It strikes me that with all of this new growth, beauty and change, perhaps Spring is the best time for beginnings, self-discovery, life altering decisions and the real time for "New Years" resolutions. Or perhaps the warmth; newness of the fresh, fragrant colors and sense of possibiity in the air resurfaces the dreams, desires and plans that have been tucked away. It feels like anything is really possible.

Now it is time to tap into that potential to move forward with some of my dreams.... writing, career growth or change, new or blossoming relationships. I can feel it in the air- the ripe potential of the future.

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