Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Life is short and precious - live it to the fullest

Since I work for the American Cancer Society, I have frequent reminders of the fragility of life and how it can change on a dime. Interacting with cancer survivors and volunteers who have been impacted by the disease can drive that point home. Even with those reminders, it is still easy to fall into the trap of taking life for granted, getting caught up in the little things and on a bigger scale- standing in the way of your own dreams.

Last night, I spent some time with a dear friend who at the age of 45 has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. No family history- just wham - a hit out of the blue. She is seeing a surgeon today and is pretty terrified. Who knows what she will now deal with on her journey - surgery, chemo, radiation. In her words, "I don't care what they have to do, I just want to live." I listened and was glad to be able to share some resources from ACS with her. Her words have stayed in my mind all day.." I just want to live." This is a vibrant, loving and extremely generous woman, mother of two beautiful teenage girls. Her concerns extend to them as well. She needs to be here for them...are their chances of getting the disease increased? What does the future hold?

"I just want to live." Makes being concerned about bills, my commute, my job, meeting the right guy and the 15 lbs I want to lose seem pretty darn weak in comparison. Another reminder that life can change today or tomorrow without your consent. Another reminder NOT to let petty stuff or self imposed boundaries keep me down and prevent me from living life to the fullest while I am here on this planet.

Live, laugh and love to the fullest...After all, the opportunity to do just that is my hands right now. What am I waiting for?

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