Sunday, November 29, 2009

seeds of destiny?

"Little ideas that tickle and nag and refuse to go away should never be ignored, for in them lie the seeds of destiny." From the movie, Babe.

Love this quote - stole it from a friend off of Facebook. Getting in touch with those "little ideas that tickle and nag and refuse to go away" and then taking action on them. Sounds simple enough... So why don't more of us - me in particular do it more often?

One of several writing projects buried in my brain and heart is a novel that I have been kicking around for years. Actually wrote the first few chapters and an outline on a computer that crashed...Grrr. Wish I could retrieve that data!

The story includes lives in both China in the late 1800s and today in the US and how the histories, destinies and very souls of the characters are intertwined. I have done research on China during that timeframe and particularly on footbinding which will be central to the story. The deep, amazing and sometimes tenuous bonds between mother and daughter over time are the crux of the story. As you might expect, adoption and our interconnectedness at all levels will be a theme below the surface. I have even developed a title- "When Earth Turns Over Heaven."

I have other writing ideas floating in my head as well. So why haven't I gotten it done? A wise friend told me yesterday that when I experience writer's block - it is not about the writing at all. He said it is about letting the ideas flow and getting back in touch with my spiritual connections. When I write and it just flows, I do feel connected with something greater than myself. When I struggle and can't even force words out on paper or a keyboard, I am disconnected with that source, with my imagination and ultimately with my ideas that tickle and nag and refuse to go away.

Time to reconnect with those ideas...

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